Accepting Applications

Va-LEND is excited to announce that we are recruiting our next cohort of trainees! Click here to learn more - Join LEND

The Va-LEND program is committed to the preparation of professionals, family members and people with disabilities statewide in the field of childhood neurodevelopmental disabilities who will assume leadership roles within health care and disability service systems. The interdisciplinary program provides a 12-24 month curriculum of interactive seminars, clinical and community-based practica, planned grassroots and systems level policy activities, and for most trainees, a family mentorship experience. The curriculum emphasizes all aspects of neurodevelopmental and related disabilities, social and family environments across the life course, the interdisciplinary approach, leadership and research.

Advocacy and Leadership

Va-LEND trainees are provided with tools to develop their individual leadership plan with a focus on either community services or research. This program also focuses on advocacy and public policy, with an opportunity to advocate on the Hill.

five trainees and assistant director in photo on capital hill

Family Mentorship Experience

Trainees strengthen their understanding of working in interdisciplinary teams, with focus on person and family centered care.

Va-LEND Trainee share at FME Picnic with FME family

The Va-LEND Trainee Experience

Va-LEND trainees share their experiences about what it is like being a trainee and how they will use what they've learned in their practice.